Well it's been a while since I have blogged. Updates, pinched nerve has faded away at last! Now I am trying to catch up and finish all my projects that were put on hold. One piece will be done this week, entering it in the FMG seed bead contest, so I can't show a picture yet. This piece has taken me 3 months to complete, my first attempt at a collar, I think there is definitely room for improvement, but don't think I will tackle one again, not for a long time anyway, they are a lot of work and I've decided there are such great artists already out there!
So onward to new things. I have a tutorial almost completed (another project that was on hold) I am looking forward to completing it and then finishing a second tutorial on a pair of soutache earrings I had started! As with most artists, I have at least three new projects lined up and waiting to be made. Just sent off a necklace to Beadwork magazine, it will appear in the Oct/Nov 2012 issue, if I am not mistaken, in W.O.R.D.
Things have slowed down greatly for me, having lots of problems with my right hand, so I wonder how much longer I will be beading. Being an artist allows me to switch gears, I'm gathering materials and supplies for silk painting, thought I'd create some designs on silk scarves with paint and bring in some beaded elements for extra pizzazz! This is a future project, so will keep you informed as to how it goes. The China painting bug has also been reminding me that I have projects I could do as well. There are also at least a dozen oil paintings I'd like to do as well, so if beading is slowing down, all my other artistic abilities are motivated and ready to go!
My Mom just recently fell and injured herself quite badly, so I will be spending more time with her during her recovery, as well as I have a nephew who is coming from Massachusetts to Oregon to stay with my husband and I. He is getting a chance for a "do over" and we are hoping to help him get his GED as well as send him to some kind of technical school. So for now my plate is quite full, many changes and adjustments, but all is returning to some kind of normalcy!
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